Who’s got guts for global warming debate?
Sen. Inhofe steps up the plate, while Ralph Nader steps out
Dennis T. Avery: Response to plant species to CO2 levels | Climate Realists
In terms of temperatures, every species still extant has persisted through 10,000 years of the Eemian Warming before our last Ice Age, which was about 5 degrees C warmer than today, according to the University of Copenhagen. Each of our species then lived through the Ice Age itself, with a probable drop of 6–10 degrees C that lasted for 90,000 years! That’s a range of about 11–16 degrees C just in their “recent” experience. Where did we get the idea that these tough, competitive organisms were fragile?
Rome - First major snowfall in 26 years - Photos
Heating in homes only legally allowed for 10 to 12 hours a day, to cut down on pollution.
Italian capital grinds to halt as drivers abandon cars.
Status Update on UVA/Mann FOIA legal fight | Watts Up With That?
It appears UVA gave Michael Mann a copy of the documents we have sought and under law this means UVA waived its right to withhold the documents from us. UVA effectively admitted they gave the emails to Mann and in their most recent motion and legal memorandum they argue we are trying to do an “end run” to obtain them from Mann instead of UVA. In light of UVA’s delaying tactics and on the basis of this new information, we are going on the attack. Hence our motion and memorandum of law.We ask the court to find that UVA waived their right to keep the emails secret and ask the court to order UVA to hand them over to us.
Eight die in flooding in Bulgaria - UPI.com
Recent severe weather in Bulgaria -- serious snowfall, record-low temperatures and heavy rainfall -- caused the flooding, which led to the dam to bursting, The Sofia Echo reported.
Snow to follow record deep freeze - The Local
Germany shivered through record low temperatures of -29 degrees Celsius overnight, but the German Weather Service has forecast an even deeper freeze ahead of snow showers midweek.
Record Low Temperatures in North China -- NTDTV.com
Over the weekend, the lowest temperatures in decades have hit areas of northern China, as the cold wave continues. Some places were as cold as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Blizzards have left over three feet of snowfall in parts of Inner Mongolia, and winds have reached as high as 30 miles per hour. The freezing weather has already caused the death of numerous livestock.
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