Saturday, March 31, 2012

Articles: Fisker's Bad Karma

President Obama reminds us that successful green energy startups aren't easy, as illustrated by Solyndra's loan fiasco.  What about Fisker Automotive, recipient of a $529-million DOE loan?  The product of this government/industry partnership is the four-door performance Karma sedan, aimed strictly at 1% buyers.  So how does that investment look?

Some corals like it hot: Heat stress may help coral reefs survive climate change |

Sea Ice – Normal | Musings from the Chiefio

The sea ice that went away during the peak of our just ended Grand Solar Maximum has already reformed back to normal, plus a tiny bit. As the sun is presently near the maximum of it’s new, more sedate, cycle, for the next several years we’re headed to even colder, and even more ice.

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