Saturday, March 31, 2012

Global Campaign for Climate Action pushing ‘spin’ |

A GLOBAL lobby group has distributed a “spin sheet” encouraging its 300 member organisations to emphasise the link between climate change and extreme weather events, despite uncertainties acknowledged by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Phil Kerpen: Electric rates will soar now that Obama’s EPA has crushed coal-fired power plants |

Fix the skeptics | Climate Nonconformist

He says “the science” as though it were an entity that speaks with one unquestionable voice. In doing so, he ignores the true nature of science as an ever-changing pursuit of truth achieved by encouraging debate and dissent.

Northeast Markets Eyed for Oil Sands as Clean Fuels Standard Fades |

A clean fuels effort among 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states is fading, as new pipelines for tar sands crude to the Atlantic get an industry push

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Difference Between Trusting Science and Scientists

I don’t often defend Conservatives but I will say that there is nothing much more useless to the public discourse that bullsh*t sociology studies trying to show that Conservatives are dumber or whatever (and remember, those same studies show libertarians the smartest, so ha ha).

Year Without A Winter | Musings from the Chiefio

the Winter of 1877-1878 was definitely the mildest of the post-settlement era.

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