Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beware, We're Having a Heat Wave - NYTimes.com

With slow progress on the international front, European governments have launched their own initiatives to counter what Ida Auken, the Danish environment minister, last week described as the “most serious” issue facing the continent.

“We’re already starting to pay our climate bills in Copenhagen,” she said. Recent flooding in the Danish capital had cost €670 million compared with the €270 million it would cost to make the city “climate secure.”

ALEX BRUMMER: Return of the dash for gas | Mail Online

When Chris Huhne was forced to remove himself from the Department of Energy, to fight criminal charges over an alleged speeding transgression, Britain’s green lobby took a body blow.

Huhne was the most important advocate in government of the need to speed up wind power. 

Climate Lessons: Climate Dogma lets FaithTrump Facts at the NCSE

What a mess the National Center of Science Education (NCSE) has gotten into.  They abandoned their own stated objectives of encouraging good science in schools when they jumped on the Carbon Dioxide Crisis bandwagon.  They hired Peter Gleick, just weeks before his demented alarmism and fantasies about the opposition to it drove him to crime, and they had to 'let him go'.  Now they seem to have hired another polemicist in his place, a Mark McCaffrey politely described by Patrick Frank as 'not particularly trained in climate science itself, but distinctly trained to promulgate his views about it.' 

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