Monday, March 12, 2012

Carbon Trust chief: 'We are on the side of the good guys.' Not everyone agrees | Environment | The Guardian

It is no surprise the trust has its critics. Set up in 2001 to use funds raised from green taxes to help businesses go green, it didn't classify as a quango, as the board was not appointed by the government, but was a private not-for-profit body with substantial government funding.

Over 10 years, the trust spent – or "invested" as Delay would rather – more than £700m of public money, helping companies become energy efficient, nurturing cleantech startups, and raising awareness with those TV ads.

Sherwood Rowland, the scientist who saved the world -

It's not often you can say that someone saved the world -- and mean it literally...

But that's the case with F. Sherwood Rowland. It would be a shame if Rowland won the ozone battle -- but the rest of us lost the war for Earth’s survival.

Twitter / @jossgarman: 1) British Airways website ...

1) British Airways website: "we have been long-standing supporter of emissions trading..This sits at the heart of our climate change policy"

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