Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Climate Change: The Green Scare - YouTube

Princeton physicist William Happer argues that computer models vastly exaggerate the effects of carbon dioxide on climate and that CO2 may in fact be beneficial.

New study: 2010 cold snap massacred Keys corals

Florida Keys corals that took centuries to grow died within days during the frigid January 2010 cold snap, says a newly published scientific study.

"Some monumental corals that were 200 or 300 years old perished in a span of five days," said Rob Ruzicka, a co-author with Michael Colella of the patch-reef study published in the February edition of Coral Reefs, the journal of the International Society for Reef Studies.

Bluegrass Pundit: John Kerry Swiftboats Climate Change Skeptics

Senator John Kerry has joined President Obama in calling climate change skeptics "flat Earthers." In a moment of astounding hypocrisy, Kerry also said skeptics, “made up their own science. They made up their own arguments,”

Speaker has ‘natural’ take on climate debate, speaks to Ottawa County Patriots - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel

Goreham spent the evening refuting claims made by global-warming proponents such as Al Gore in recent years — namely the planet is headed for disaster as a result of manmade carbon emissions.

“(Carbon dioxide) is a trace gas — a very small part of our atmosphere,” said Goreham, executive director of the Climate Science Coalition of America.

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