Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Climate change may kill 184m people by 25th century – Nwangi

A Kenyan don has estimated that climate change problem would kill about 184 million people by the 25th century with Africa recording the highest victims.

Wind Industry Should Mull Tax Credit Phase-Out, Baucus Says - Bloomberg

The wind energy industry should think “very seriously” about backing a proposal to phase out a
tax credit for building more energy-generating turbines, U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus said today.

The Montana Democrat said in an interview that phasing out the tax credit might be the most realistic way to keep it from
expiring altogether at the end of the year. Companies that invest in wind energy include General Electric Co. (GE), based in
Fairfield, Connecticut, and Denmark’s Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS).

Twitter / @Revkin: Robert Cox in chat with #P ...

Robert Cox in chat with class on enviro communication: Social media waste of time if no clear strategy.

EU mulls 'green lawsuits' against China | EurActiv

Massive state subsidies are "squeezing out" European wind and solar companies from China’s renewables market, the head of EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht’s cabinet has said, adding that court action should be considered against barriers to trade.

How green nationalism undermines good climate policy - Utility Products Magazine

The most important task for global climate policy is to get First World countries to finance the developing world's mitigation efforts.

1 comment:


Even if it were not yak shit, 184 million over 400 years is 460,000 a year.
That is a little more than a third of the 1.25 million who die from Malaria each year.
But of course since global warming causes everything, they can claim the total 56 million deaths worldwide annually. That way we don't even have to wait 4 years, let alone 400.