Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The CSIRO and Bureau shame themselves | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Our top climate authorities have proved once again how they’ve turned themselves into propagandists for the warmist faith.

The State of the Climate report released yesterday by the CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology is a disgrace. Its omissions, red herrings and cherry picking shame both organisations.

Here is the most startling omission in this report on global warming: the basic data on global warming.

Red Bank Women Voters for RGGI - Red Bank-Shrewsbury, NJ Patch

New Jersey is on track to cut 84,000 tons of global warming pollution each year.

Living In The Past | Real Science

  1. In the 1970s, Ehrlich told us that food was a thing of the past.
  2. In 1988, Hansen told us that Manhattan was a thing of the past
  3. In 2000, the UK Met Office told us that snow was a thing of the past
  4. In 2000, Hansen told us that the Dust Bowl was a thing of the past
  5. In 2000, Mann told us that the MWP was a thing of the past
  6. In 2000, Mann told us that tree rings were a thing of the past
  7. In 2008, the top Norwegian polar expert told us that Arctic ice was a thing of the past
  8. In 2008, the Australian BOM told us that rain was a thing of the past in Australia
  9. In 2009, the top Canadian expert told us that multi-year Arctic ice was a thing of the past
  10. In 2011 we learned that rain was a thing of the past in the western US

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ten times …..

The CLIMATE SCEPTICS Blog: Greenland Summit Surface Snow Temperatures

Clearly, there is nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about Greenland's recent relative warmth, as it is clear that much warmer temperatures have been experienced there over many prior prolonged periods without any help from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, there is no valid reason to believe that mankind's burning of coal, gas and oil has had, or is having, any measureable impact on the climate of that part of the world, or any other part of the planet.

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