Saturday, March 31, 2012

Earth Hour fades at US border |

Yet few Americans have ever heard of Earth Hour, and only a few dozen high profile events are scheduled. While the Empire State Building and the United Nations in New York City will go dark, most of New York will barely notice.

Earth Hour has only one U.S. press coordinator to publicize the event. Slovenia has two. India has three. Brunei has five.

Obama’s Folly: Choosing Switch Grass Over Oil

President Obama is not the only Oval Office occupant who has whiffed on energy policy, he is simply the most recent. His is a more dangerous path, however. With the United States standing on the threshold of great new oil and gas generation, promising significant attendant jobs and wealth creation, Obama is, to use his own term, “doubling down” on algae and switchgrass. Is it just coincidence that he chose to use a gambling term? Or could it be, with one third of the $8.3 billion in clean-energy loans made by Obama’s Energy Department on an internal “watch list” that he needs plenty of cash in reserve for future bail-outs?

If Only We All Had (Liberal) Brains, We'd All Believe In Man-Made Global Warming |

[Morano] Prof. Norgaard’s concept of “treating” those who do not follow the current day’s political or social orthodoxy is, frightening, not new. A quick look at the 20th century totalitarian super states reveals many similar impulses.

It’s even more chilling that there is a whole new movement afoot by the promoters of man-made global warming theory to intimidate climate skeptics by using new brain “research.”

InvestigateDaily – Ocean acidification climate change fears overblown, studies show

The UN IPCC has tried to drum up panic by suggesting rising CO2 absorption in the oceans is affecting the pH balance, making the seas more “acidic” and killing coral and other marine life. But the latest scientific studies are actually suggesting other factors may be at play.

IPCC now too moderate for professional scaremongers | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

What happened to “listen to the science”?

A GLOBAL lobby group has distributed a “spin sheet” encouraging its 300 member organisations to emphasise the link between climate change and extreme weather events, despite uncertainties acknowledged by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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