Thursday, March 08, 2012

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Mar. 8th 2012 « The Daily Bayonet

The Hippie of the Week suffered a temporary case of multiple personality disorder, a Kennedy proves technology saves lives and we don’t recommend the soup down under. No, really.

Smart meters 101: Five things you need to know |

Smart meters are on the pathway to electricity rationing.

Hansen : Tampering With Data All Over The Planet | Real Science

Hansen has been deleting cooling trends all over the planet. The image above compares current GISS 1950-1998 trends, with those he published in 1999. He has erased historical cooling trends (blue) in North America, South America, Africa, the Arctic, Antarctica, and elsewhere.

Al Fin: How Shale Revolution Creates Jobs; How Obama Destroys Them

Anyone who has read Mr. Obama's first two autobiographies and observed his early career in community organising and political activism, will understand the man's antagonism toward capitalism, free markets, and any source of wealth and power creation which competes with a central, redistributive government.

Man Bites Dog: Genuine Demand, Not Government Mandates, Creates Jobs

Looking at the complete picture, it is clear that the oil and gas industry is a major contributor to the US economy. Making “decreasing our dependency on oil” the goal of the Administration’s energy policy is bad for the economy.

Navy Secretary: Algae-based fuel makes us ‘better warfighters’ |

Ray Maybus and other “green energy” proponents should be made to walk the plank before our Navy is torpedoed from within.

Below are our comments (in bold brackets) to today’s Politico report “Navy powers up campaign for great green fleet.”

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