Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Mea Culpa From Mother Nature | Real Science

Nuuk almost never has sea ice pack. But Mother Nature decided to make an honest woman out of Hillary. Due to record cold, sea ice has moved 200 miles further down the coast than normal.

Hayhoe On Climate Confusion | Real Science

Here are my top ten reasons for climate confusion :

  1. Being indoctrinated at school
  2. Listening to James Hansen
  3. Listening to Al Gore
  4. Watching television
  5. Listening to people like Katherine Hayhoe
  6. Reading junk science from CSM, the Guardian, LA Times, etc.
  7. Being lied to by politicians who want to steal their money
  8. Hollywood
  9. Poor thinking skills
  10. Low self esteem

Trenberth Blames March Tornadoes On Global Warming | Real Science

No actual data in use by Trenberth. The worst year for March tornadoes was during the ice age scare of the 1970s.

And according to Hansen, 2010 had the hottest March in the history of the planet. It also had the lowest tornado count in three decades. Would you trust a climate scientist to take care of anything you actually rely on? What if your doctor pulled drug prescriptions out of his ass, like climate scientists do theories?

“Once that aerosol-based blanket is removed the temperature will rise” | JunkScience.com

And so the excuses keep coming – “global warming” is real, just you wait and see! Now we are back to the old “warming being hidden by cooling aerosols” excuse

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