Sunday, March 11, 2012

MP demands answers as support for Green Deal starts to sink

A senior MP has demanded answers from Energy Ministers as support for the Green Deal appears to have started crumbling away.

The Green Deal is scheduled to be launched on October 1 but reports this week suggest the full roll-out may be delayed until next year in a wrangle over the payment mechanism.

And industry leaders and consumer groups are beginning to question if the energy efficiency programme aimed at better insulating the UK's homes will actually deliver value to the consumer.

Shadow Climate Change Minister Luciana Berger has called on the energy department to “come clean” as the scheme launch now seems have been “thrown into chaos”.

Biomass blaze highlights bizarre nature of 'renewable' energy - Utility Products Magazine

So, in order to reduce our CO2 emissions, we subsidise power companies to burn wood which ends up emitting much more CO2 than the fossil fuels it replaces, so that the Government is now told that this should only be allowed if the firms then remove that CO2 by a process so CO2 intensive that it doubles the cost of the electricity, in order to bury it under the sea using technology not yet commercially developed and which, according to various scientific studies, will never work anyway. Yet according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, ''biomass'' is going to be as important to meeting our EU targets as those useless windmills. Thus in every direction do the ''green dreams'' of those who rule us in London and Brussels collide with reality.

Book review: Wind Controlled Climate: Doctoral thesis by Hans Jelbring « Tallbloke's Talkshop

At one point in the thesis, Hans asks that we seriously consider whether the temperature change causes the wind, or the wind causes the temperature change. On consideration of the power of wind to change the rate of ocean surface evaporation, I am left in no doubt that he has identified the most important and elusive of climate variables.

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