Monday, March 26, 2012

Warmist English major Chris Mooney claims that if you don't accept that global warming is caused by humans "you cannot possibly understand the world or our place in it"

A Highlight and Note by Tom Nelson from The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality

...political conservatives have placed themselves in direct conflict with modern scientific knowledge, which shows beyond serious question that global warming is real and caused by humans, and evolution is real and the cause of humans. If you don’t accept either claim, you cannot possibly understand the world or our place in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris Mooney is a Desmogger who must get paid by the word. Bullshitter!

What he fails to appreciate is that "Conservatives" are often brought up in a business environment with a highly sensitized bullshit detector.

Desmog Bloggers typically have an arts background (if any education at all) - only a little better than their patron Suzuki's genetics.


ps what ever happened to Littlemore - did he get spanked over the Heartland bullshit?