Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Warmists confirmed as cheats, liars, fakers; Pope still Catholic; etc – Telegraph Blogs

Hey, but as anyone from the Warmist/Alarmist camp could tell you: never let the facts get in the way of a good story. In fact, if you're a believer in the great global warming religion, facts are actually your enemy. They're your enemy a) because they so comprehensively undermine everything you believe in and b) because facts are nasty, horrid things that "deniers" use, whereas true believers have no need of them: faith, that's the thing, pure blind faith.

Book Review: The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars -

Yet for all his caviling about "smear campaigns," "conspiracy theorists" and "character assassination," Mr. Mann is happy to employ similar tactics against his opponents...

Mr. Mann closes "The Hockey Stick" with a passionate call for more scientists to join him "on the front lines of the climate wars." "Scientific truth alone," Mr. Mann writes, "is not enough to carry the day in the court of public opinion." It would be "irresponsible," he says, "for us to silently stand by while industry-funded climate change deniers succeed in confusing and distracting the public and dissuading our policy makers from taking appropriate actions." These are unfortunate conclusions for a scientist-turned-climate-warrior whose greatest weakness has always been a low estimation of the public intellect.

A High Court challenge to the carbon tax? | Climate Nonconformist

With three and a half months to go until the carbon tax arrives, the news that Clive Palmer is considering a High Court challenge to it is welcome news.

MINING billionaire Clive Palmer has escalated his campaign against  the  Gillard government, vowing to  mount a High Court challenge to the  carbon  tax.

Never let a good flood go to waste | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Never forget. The science is settled.

Why does Media Watch hunt only sceptics? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

JoNova on the Media Watch witchhunting of a sceptic:

  Jennifer Marohasy has extraordinary influence. She’s so powerful that the ABC’s Media Watch program has singled her out, asking questions about her income and disclosures    that they don’t even bother to ask Tim Flannery....

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