Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why money-printing is like 'global warming' – Telegraph Blogs

But why should climate sceptics also be sceptical of money-printing, fiat currency, fractional reserve banking and gold and silver market manipulation? It's a question Jo has pondered too.

If you wonder how corruption in climate science could be connected, look no further than Climate Money. Without the printing presses running flat out at the Fed, which politicians would have had the luxury of glorious schemes to control the weather? How could they hand out grants to send, say, aquariums on tour to warn of impending storms? Underneath it all, if large financial institutions were not looking forward to a brand-spanking-new $2 Trillion market to trade carbon, who would have found millions to install 70 foot Carbon-Clocks50 page science reports and to donate and push into"green" education campaigns? Funny money makes for funny decisions. Shame no one is laughing.

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