Monday, April 23, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - Stern's wheat graph redux

There's a great deal of interest. For example, the dog-leg interpretation of the data is not part of the original paper, but instead appears to be a bit of spin added by the noble lord. Notice also that an inconvenient data point (indicated by my red arrow) has been deleted in the Stern graph. After Climategate, readers will of course be familiar with the idea that deleting inconvenient data is a technique that is widely accepted, and indeed one that has been endorsed by many at the top of the scientific establishment, including the president of the Royal Society.

Danger from the deep: New climate threat as methane rises from cracks in Arctic ice |

Scientists shocked to find greenhouse gas 70 times more potent than CO2 bubbling from deep ocean (sic)

Migrating waterfowl die from lack of water |

Gosh. And there never were any droughts before, right?

Carbon scheme bogged down – only 99,950,000 trees short of 100,000,000 tree target |

100 million trees were to be planted in Indonesia under an Australian carbon-reduction scheme. Five years on, only 50,000 seedlings are in the ground.

Aus: Shifts in price fuel carbon tax doubt |

MASSIVE volatility in carbon prices in Europe and rising gas prices have cast doubt on whether Julia Gillard’s carbon package will be enough to force power stations to switch from coal to gas, Standard & Poor’s will warn today, delivering another blow to the federal government’s clean energy plans.

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