Sunday, April 22, 2012

Climate hoax promoter Heidi Cullen, when asked how to sort out natural warming from human-caused warming: "This is directly measurable"

Earth Day: Discussing the Coming Climate Crisis With Heidi Cullen - The Daily Beast

Record-breaking heat. Floods. Droughts. Tornadoes. Don’t believe the skeptics—the evidence of climate change is all around us. An interview with climatologist Heidi Cullen.
...Yes, there is tremendous natural climate variability. I studied the period known as the Holocene when I was working on my Ph.D. at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. That’s the past 10,000 years. The Holocene is known as having had a relatively stable climate compared to other time periods. The start of the Holocene also corresponds with the rise of complex human civilizations. It would seem we require this rather small envelope of climate stability to thrive.

...[Q] So how do scientists sort out what is “natural” warming from the climate change human activity is causing?

This is directly measurable, and there are two lines of response.

...Yes. I think it is part of our responsibility as scientists to help people understand the research we’ve done. But we have to do that carefully with integrity so that we don’t lose the public’s trust. Parts of this research are enormously complex and in some cases uncertain. We need to do a better job of communicating that uncertainty—and we need to do a better job of communicating our certainty about what is happening because of greenhouse gases.

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