Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Climate Lessons: Intergovernmental Pushers of a CO2 Crisis - the IPCC - in disgrace again over 'profoundly inaccurate' Press Release

The harm and loss which the scaremongering over CO2 has already brought to the world is still accumulating and may well do so for many years yet while we wait for politicians to catch up with the reality of what is known about the minor role of this trace gas in the climate system.  They may well wish to direct some of their subsequent anger to the shoddy and rule-breaking way in which the IPCC has been run and directed.  Given the very high stakes involved and the degree of trust accorded it by ill-informed governments, that really does border on the criminal.

Good Jeff, Bad Jeff

Jeff Masters, who owns and runs the radically named Wunderground, makes part of his living from scaring people with tales of extreme weather. Interestingly, though, he occasionally tells the truth about natural climatic variability.

No Sea Level Rise Acceleration – Study Shows “Similar Rates Could Also Be Identified Earlier In The Record”

study after study show that there is no evidence of accelerating sea level rise. All sea level fluctuations are within the normal range of variation. Nothing unusual is happening.

Climate Change-The Science-The Message and the Messengers - StormWatch 7 |

Dr. Anthony Broccoli of Rutgers University who's research is in climate measurement, modeling and forcing showed that long term trends do not mean there may not be steady or even cooling trends for decades.  What is the trend over decades or hundreds of years?  Climate does change but it is slow . . .so far. 

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