Sunday, April 01, 2012

Is the Globe Warming? Or Just Your City? | Power Line

Global warming hysteria is politics, not science. If the IPCC enterprise were science, it would at least make a good faith effort to deal with major defects in the temperature data, like the UHIE. Alarmists refuse to address the UHIE not because they have a plausible case that it doesn’t exist–they don’t–but because there is an enormous amount of money being made by promoting “green” energy. You should read the comments to Dr. Spencer’s post; they draw out the difficulty of properly understanding and quantifying the urban heat island effect. But about the existence of the effect, and the fact that it substantially distorts the CRU/IPCC data, there is no doubt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For Comparisons of local effect - check out this site. The guy has been comparing temps in nearby locations for years and has a database to show how a mile or two yields big deltas.
