Friday, April 27, 2012

Mooney’s Folly (in two steps) | Omnologos

Just read the “Conclusions” of Mooney’s book on Amazon. He has obviously gone way out of his competency and freely speaks of things he can’t possibly understand. As far as I am concerned, anybody who believes it possible to measure Liberals and Conservatives has an infantilistic view of “measure” and of “politics”.

...Anyway, the icing on the cake is the fact that the Conclusions aren’t that idiotic really, and Mooney says he now admires “conservatives”, and goes as far as to recommend “conservatives” and “liberals” “need be operating together“. Well, Brainy Boy, that’s not achieved really by calling your book “The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science–and Reality“, is it??

#GreenFail | Power Line

Perhaps the defining failure of Barack Obama’s administration has been his ill-fated investment in “green energy.” Much of this investment was rushed through Congress as part of the “stimulus” program with little or no scrutiny, but we can now see where the money went. As this devastating Americans For Prosperity video shows, a lot of it went overseas to create jobs in foreign countries...This video is radioactive; if most Americans see it between now and November, Obama has little chance of re-election.

ABC: even worse than the BBC – Telegraph Blogs

Those of you who don't live in Australia will be lucky enough to have missed last night's travesty of a documentary I Can Change Your Mind About Climate Change by the Aussies' gag-inducingly PC state broadcaster ABC. Better still, they will have been lucky enough also to have missed the even more ludicrously biased panel discussion afterwards in which an outrageously parti-pris greenie moderator,  a greenie "social researcher" (whatever that is), a greenie youth activist, the head of the ultra-greenie, even-worse-than-the-Royal-Society CSIR and two more greenie plants in the audience bravely took on an evil mining magnate (my new hero Clive Palmer) and an evil climate change denier (Nick Minchin) in order irrefutably to demonstrate that anyone who does not deny the reality of Anthropogenic Global Warming must perforce be the spawn of Satan. It reminded me so much of the BBC's nuanced approach to the climate change issue it was almost as if I'd flown home 15 days early.

Any Flannery predictions still standing? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Climate Commisioner Tim Flannery’s “permanent drought” has been officially cancelled.

Green energy ‘must be affordable’ – Cameron |

Renewable energy sources must become “financially sustainable” if they are to meet the world’s needs, David Cameron has said.

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