Tuesday, April 24, 2012

South Florida to be cool this week - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Sweater weather in late April?

After an unusually warm winter and early spring, South Florida should see potentially record-cool temperatures on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, with readings in the mid to upper 50s.

Cuddly Symbols Not Cooperating in Climate Panic - Mona Charen - Townhall Conservative Columnists

That the climate is warming is not, if you ask most scientists, in question, though it hasn't warmed much -- if at all -- in the past decade. But the panic mongering of the global warmists has not just undermined their own cause -- it has diminished the prestige of science generally, and that is a serious loss.

So Fake It’s Real: Global Warming is Reality TV for the Media Elite - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Here’s my challenge to all the global warming apologists:

Explain to me why the “settled science” of global warming has to manipulate headlines to make information appear scarier and more threatening than the actual data shows. If global warming is so settled, why do you and your friends take the opportunity to exaggerate, obfuscate and slant every piece of news that comes out to make it seem relevant to today?  

Evangelicals are becoming more convinced of global warming, says Christian professor

Skepticism over global warming and man-made climate change has been common in evangelical Christian circles. According to a 2008 Barna Group study, only 27 percent of evangelicals surveyed said they "firmly believed" that global warming is happening.
"It's actually quite difficult and often not a good use of time trying to have a conversation with someone who is convinced global warming is a hoax, the data is not in yet, or it's all a 'liberal' plot to ensure one-world government," said McReynolds, who added that he takes a biblical approach to the matter.

"There are no specific climate change scriptures that I have found, but global climate change is a creation care issue for which there is a scriptural mandate and there are ethical considerations such as loving our neighbor."

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