Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tenn. bill on [global warming] and teaching to become law

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Tennesee's Republican governor says he will let a bill become law effective April 20 that protects teachers who allow students in their classrooms to criticize evolution and other scientific theories, such as global warming.

Greens may fume, but they are in retreat | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

If green power is as affordable as the Greens have so oiften claimed, then power companies would not need to be forced to use it. Instead, the Greens smell a conspiracy and demand the state step in

Quadrant Online - Little Green Lies

 Sometimes people bend the truth because they believe they are protecting others from the harm caused by environmental decay. Others do it for personal gain. But unlike ‘little white lies’, telling ‘little green lies’ is not harmless. If they become so widely accepted that they form the basis of government policies, our society can be worse off for them.

They can even end up causing environmental damage. 

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Slides from my "Wag the Dog" Talk

Due to a large number of requests I am posting up the slides from my talk yesterday - Wag the Dog (here in PDF).

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds solar activity affected climate of North Atlantic region over past 200 years

A paper published today in the Journal of Geophysical Research finds a significant link between solar activity [sunspots] and long term trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation, stating, "we infer that the level of solar activity played a role in the trends of the past two centuries in the North Atlantic region." The authors suggest a possible mechanism for this influence, noting that the temperature difference between the equator and the North Pole is larger when sunspots & solar activity are low. Temperature differentials in turn drive the bulk of weather patterns.

Indians, White Sox postponed by rain, cold weather

Indians manager Manny Acta indicated it might be rescheduled for mid-May. With temperatures in the 30s and plummeting and more rain in the forecast, Acta said it "was not going to be baseball, it was going to be survival. It was going to be harsh out there."

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