Sunday, May 20, 2012

All scientists agree that we are doomed, says Dem Congresswoman

“In the Congressional race in Washington’s First District, candidate Laura Ruderman (D-Kirkland) has strong views on climate change and global warming,” says this article by Kelly Haughton.

“This starts with climate change. There is NO debate here. Every reputable scientist and organization in the world agrees that our planet is steadily and consistently warming. It’s warming faster and more dramatically than ever before – not in the history of human kind, but in the history of the planet itself.”

Purdue professor studies chemistry of climate change | Journal and Courier |

Shepson is a principal investigator for NASA’s Bromine, Ozone and Mercury Experiment, a federal project exploring the environmental effects of the Arctic’s melting ice. ...The J&C spoke with Shepson about climate change.

Question: Why are scientists so certain climate change is happening?

Answer: The physics is really simple. It was predicted from an understanding of physics starting in the mid- to late 19th century. The rate of warming on the planet is currently simulated really well with global climate models that incorporate emissions from fossil fuels. If you take that out of the model, there is not climate change. Then people ask, ‘Well, isn’t the sun changing?’ We know how much it is changing. We can measure it from satellites. ... If you include the actual solar intensity data and leave out the emissions from C02, you can’t simulate it....

A: My research is about how sea ice affects the composition of atmosphere. There are certain gases that come from sea salt chlorine and bromine. They are emitted into the atmosphere. So if you remove all of the sea ice, how does that affect the ozone, and how does that affect the ability for the atmosphere to clean itself? That is what I am looking at. When we are there, we work with the Eskimos. They show us around and keep us safe. You don’t want to be eaten.

Q: Eaten by what?

A: Polar bears. Eskimos know how to ... make them leave you alone.


Anonymous said...

Only buffoons call the Inuit people "Eskimos" - sorta suggests he's in this category

Anonymous said...

"The physics is really simple."

The physics of heat conduction is also really simple. If you put one end of a metal rod into a pan of hot water, the other end of the rod will get warmer, too. Now, if you - a human body - stand in a pan of hot water, does the top of your head get hot or not? The human body is more complex than a simple metal rod and there are any number of buffers at work to keep our temperatures steady. The earth's systems are also more complex than a metal rod. So, as simple as "the physics" may be, the earth's systems are quite complex.