Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Belling the carbon cat | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change Mark Dreyfus suffers from a double handicap - both believing he is smarter than everyone else, and letting it show. And then he walks into a door on Q&A:

Science and the Republican Brain — The American Magazine

Does the mere refusal to change your mind make you anti-science?

Consider the case of Charles Darwin. He refused to change his mind about his theory of natural selection even when the greatest physicist of his day, Lord Kelvin, offered irrefutable evidence that the earth simply could not have been as old as Darwin’s theory required it to be. In the face of this overwhelming fact, did Darwin do the liberal thing and change his mind? No. He held on tenaciously to his hopelessly discredited theory, another tragic victim of Republican brain syndrome.

1936 : Record Cold, Heat, Floods And Drought In The US | Real Science

February, 1936 was the coldest month in US history. March, 1936 saw severe flooding.  July, 1936 was the hottest month in US history, and August brought near-record drought – only exceeded by 1934.

“Experts” who claim that severe weather has increased, are simply incompetent.

The sorry lessons of green-power subsidies - The Globe and Mail

The lessons of the green-power debacle are clear. For governments, the message is that forcing consumers and taxpayers to subsidize any business almost always leads to economic damage and political unpopularity. For investors, the lesson is that companies living on government subsidies may die when the handouts stop.

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