Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bummer: NRDC climate hoax propaganda suggests that trace amounts of CO2 will cause annual Washington heat deaths to "go from a current average of 24 to 2,994 by 2099"

Death ray: Global warming will kill over 150,000 by 2099 | Washington Examiner
If you go outside on hot summer days, prepare to feel sick--or die. A new global warming report claims that temperatures will rise up to 11 degrees over this century, killing an additional 150,000 or more Americans, and nearly 6,000 a year in the Washington-Baltimore corridor by 2099. First to fall, according to a shocking report titled “Killer Summer Heat” from the National Resources Defense Council, will be the elderly, kids and the poor. And with more Baby Boomers heading into their Golden Years, they will likely be part of the death boom, if the alarmist projection comes true. ... In Washington, NRDC projected that excessive heat days will surge from the current average of 16 to 69 by 2090-2099. The resulting death toll will go from a current average of 24 to 2,994 by 2099. Baltimore has nearly identical numbers in the NRDC report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's pretend it's now 1912. What can you imagine would happen by 1999? Mass starvation? Humankind decimated? Millions of species extinct? Petroleum and coal completely exhausted? The earth destroyed? Jump to 2012. How can anyone be remotely certain of what will happen by 2099? Now that policy is actually being made based upon these wild-ass guesses about the future, these doomsaying propagandists need to be taken to task and held accountable for the costs imposed upon society as a result of their unverifiable/unfalsifiable predictions.