Monday, May 07, 2012

EU dithers over climate change fund | Fin24

"At a critical moment in the fight against climate change, Europe looks to be sitting back rather than stepping up," Lies Craeynest, Oxfam's EU climate change expert, said.

Debate has also focused on how much of the EU's $30bn share of the $100bn should come from the private sector, which would reduce the need for public funds.

Peter Lilley, MP: Communicating Climate Realism

And if they're told that snowy winters don't count, they're less likely to be convinced that a local flood or a "phew, what a scorcher" of a summer is really evidence of a real climate threat. The experts warn them that a 2 degree Centigrade rise will be dangerous. This sounds absurd to most people. After all, it's 10 degrees Centigrade warmer now than it was 12 hours ago. And nobody has dropped dead. It's a great relief to be that you've all survived the traumatic shock to your systems. And most people go off on their holidays to places which they hope will be at least 10 degrees warmer. Tell them, of course, that that's not the point, it's the effect of the average temperature on aspects of the climate like cyclones, and so on, and then people come back and say: actually, there is very little evidence of that. The latest World Bank study suggests that by the end of the century, the impact of global warming - assuming that the IPCC is true - on the amount of cyclone damage will be only one hundredth of what Lord Stern was telling us a few years ago.

Dismantling The Stupidity Piece By Piece | Real Science

You don’t need a large city to create UHI – just one paved road...Rather than accepting the painfully obvious facts about UHI, alarmists instead try to blame the nighttime warming on imaginary feedback from CO2.

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