Monday, May 14, 2012

Least Developed Countries issue bold plan to energize UN climate change talks | Diasporian News 2012-05-14
That the new legally binding agreement should take the form of a new protocol under the convention that builds on and enhances the commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.

Parties should agree on new rules to allow the adoption of the Protocol by a 75 percent majority, not by consensus as under current rules.


carbon credit investments said...

Great idea. "Consensus" is an ill-defined term. Does it mean 100pc, a basic agreement with a show of hands - very vague and wishy washy. At least 75pc is a pecific number that can be agreed on, up or down.

carbon credit investments said...

Great idea. "Consensus" is an ill-defined term. Does it mean 100pc, a basic agreement with a show of hands - very vague and wishy washy. At least 75pc is a specific number that can be agreed on, up or down.