Monday, May 07, 2012

Mind-Blowing Heartland Street Poster Fiasco | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media

In the annals of ill-advised climate change communications strategies, nothing compares.

Greenpeace Hypocrisy: BP’s Turtle vs. Wind’s Eagle |

contrast the poor turtle with the poor eagle (below) whacked out of the sky by a wind turbine

Quark Soup by David Appell: Crazy Parents Opposed to Teaching Climate Science

Perhaps those parents should be left to live without all the items they use every day that resulted from "peer-reviewed science"

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper says 2010 North Pacific Hurricane Season was one of the least active on record

In another blow to the warmist fallacy that man-made CO2 increases hurricanes or extreme weather, a paper published today in the journal Monthly Weather Review finds, "The 2010 eastern North Pacific hurricane season was one of the least active seasons on record. Only seven named storms developed, which is the lowest number observed at least since routine satellite coverage of that basin began in 1966. Furthermore, only three of those storms reached hurricane status, which is also the lowest number of hurricanes ever observed in the satellite era season."

CryoSat : Arctic Ice Same Thickness As 1940 | Real Science

In February 1940, Arctic ice also averaged 6.5 feet thick. Ice thickness is the same as it was 72 years ago.

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