Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The New Nostradamus of the North: EU´s global warming establishment ready to transfer billions to the senseless Green Climate Fund

The eurozone is in the middle of an economic crisis, with millions of taxpayers facing severe austerity measures. But that does not bother the EU´s global warming queen, climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard and the Danish EU Presidency. They have invited the "allies" from the Alliance of Small Island States and the Least Developed Countries to hear how many billions of EU tax payers´ money the EU global warming establishment intends to give to the Green Climate Fund, agreed in Cancun and Durban.  

EU Emissions Trading Scheme Encourages Utilities To Burn More Coal |

Europe’s economic slump is allowing utilities in some countries to burn increasing amounts of cheap, highly polluting coal for electricity generation and still meet legally binding targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions, Reuters research shows.

Time to terminate Big Wind subsidies | The SPPI Blog

To confront the growing onslaught of wind industry pressure and propaganda, citizens should understand the fundamental facts about wind energy. Here are some of the top reasons for opposing further handouts.

Another poll shows global warming on the outs, distrust of climate scientists cited | Watts Up With That?

When hockey stick creator Dr. Michael Mann responds to valid questions about his science by blocking the person asking the questions as well as deleting them so that others can’t see them, is it really any surprise that distrust of climate scientists is on the rise?

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