Thursday, May 10, 2012

NYT's Revkin Calls Climate Depot's Marc Morano 'Divisive and Toxic' |

So if Morano were to start writing about things Revkin sees important, he "would be constructive and non-toxic."

That's an awfully strange thing for a man now teaching environmental journalism at Pace University.

Or maybe not.

After all, the point of "environmental journalism" is and has been first and foremost to scare the public into believing ecological crises are imminent irrespective of the facts.

Accomplishing this requires "environmental journalists" to whenever possible depict people that don't agree with their view as non-scientists and deniers going against the so-called consensus.

That includes calling them "divisive and toxic."

How nice that a new generation of "environmental journalists" are being tought such a closed-minded and biased way to share their views with the public.

A whole new crop of writers calling anyone that disagrees with them divisive and toxic.

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