Friday, May 04, 2012

Rough Summer Ahead For Global Warming Alarmists | Real Science
A lot of cold water on both sides of the Arctic, around western Europe, the Atlantic hurricane basin, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Op-Ed: Global warming denial a dangerous course « Summit County Citizens Voice
small increases in any number of substances including carbon dioxide and fluorocarbon derivatives do have a large and long-term impact on weather.
Evidence builds that scientists underplay climate impacts — The Daily Climate
In an interview, Maclean was willing to "go beyond the message of the paper" and flatly state that the extinction predictions are too conservative.
But, he added, "I can't say it definitively."
Flashback: Warmist Ilya Maclean's incredible hockey stick: 200 years after the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, he can't name one CO2-induced species extinction. In 89 years, he suggests there may be over one million CO2-induced species extinctions.
89 years is only another 32485 days, and to reach a million extinctions by 2100, CO2 has to kill off an average of 30+ species for each of those days. 
I'm willing to bet Maclean eleventy-zillion dollars that that doesn't happen.

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