Thursday, May 17, 2012

The World Is Running Out Of Energy Scares |

Methane hydrates constitute the world’s No. 1 reservoir of fossil fuel. Ubiquitous along vast stretches of Earth’s continental shelves, they hold enough natural gas to fuel the world for a thousand years – and beyond.

Andrew McKillop: What was Global Warming? | Climate Realists

Relatively soon, this question will be asked: global warming has traced a wipeout curve like any failed Great Cause, mixing junk science, porkbarrel politics, cash-gouging corporate greed and deliberate promotion and falsification of any real danger or risk for society by self-serving media barons seeking the latest Big Thing to bemuse what they cynically treat as their witless "media consumers".

Global warming was custom made to fill all those roles. At its high point it was able to bridge and converge extreme right and extreme left political strands, it could amuse, thrill and distract the "media consumers" from any and all other real problems, other and real crises, while generating massive profits for the nimble, greedy and deceitful who always ride the curve of any fake Great Cause, like the parasites they are. Underneath all this however, a critical pinch of credibility was needed: when it disappeared, the "great cause" was doomed.

Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2010 – First Time In A Million Years | Real Science

Seth Borenstein – Cold Is A Thing Of The Past | Real Science

According to our top scientists, human beings are now defined by a claimed half degree rise in temperatures. i.e. we have severely mentally ill people teaching our children at universities.

Veracity Death Spiral: More Bad News About Dishonest Climate Reporting | Real Science

First year ice forms every winter, and has since water first appeared on the surface of the planet. The author is providing absolutely no useful or new information about the state of Arctic ice and is just cranking out another content free global warming fairy tale.

Getting funnier by the day: MWP 1238-1267 |

Aussie temperature reconstructers redefine Medieval Warm Period as AD1238-AD1267. How prescient was Viking Eric The Red, leading colonists to Greenland more than 240 years prior to the warming of Greenland that made it hospitable and managing to establish settlements and farms to occupy just a 29-year climate window? Must have been some real estate salesman, eh?

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