Saturday, June 02, 2012

Al's Journal : 12,000 People - $100 billion

"Each year almost 12,000 people are hospitalized because of pollution from coal plants. If pollution from coal plants remains unchecked it could add an astonishing $100 billion to our annual healthcare bill."

North Pole Disappearing at Rapid Pace « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

A comparison of north pole sea ice on May 31, 1990 (left) and May 31, 2012. What were all those people at National Geographic whining about again?

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds climate warmed 3 times faster from 1862-1961; also 2007 temperatures same as in 1736

In another blow to the alarmist fallacy that the current warming period is 'unprecedented' or 'unusual,' a paper published today in the journal Climate of the Past finds that winter temperatures in China warmed at a rate almost three times faster over the 100 year period from 1862 to 1961 [1.89◦C/century] than over the 100 years from 1901 to 2000 [0.66◦C/century]. Furthermore, the reconstructed temperature anomaly at the beginning of the study period in 1736 [during the Little Ice Age!] was the about the same as in 2007.

IPCC Control Calculations of Annual Human CO2 Production For Political Agenda

A partial explanation for the IPCC error is because climate science assumes change and variability are abnormal as the diagram illustrates. They don’t show the error in the estimates of volumes, which in at least three instances, atmosphere, oceans, and vegetation/soil detritus, exceed estimates for total human production. This is true even with IPCC’s claimed annual increase.

IPCC wanted to prove human CO2 was causing global warming as part of their belief that industrialized populations would exhaust all resources and had to be shut down. Their only objective was to show human production was steadily, inexorably increasing. Their calculations predetermine that, because human CO2 production is directly linked to population increase. A population increase guarantees a CO2 increase. It is another of their circular arguments that has no basis in science.

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