Friday, June 15, 2012

Bank Of America Gives $50 Bil In Payola To Green Lobby In New Shakedown -

Activism: First the affordable housing crowd shook down banks for mortgage payola for the poor. Now the environmental lobby is shaking them down for cash to underwrite President Obama's risky green agenda.

In a strange announcement, Bank of America this week pledged an eye-popping $50 billion in loans for "renewable energy" projects — windmills, solar panels and hybrids — over the next 10 years.

Understanding climate scepticism: a ‘sceptic’ responds | Talking Climate

[Geoff Chambers] I agree with you that turning up the volume on the sci­ence is unlikely to reduce scep­ti­cism about cli­mate change, but not for the reason you give. The more people learn about the sci­ence, the more they see how dodgy is the cli­mate sci­ence respons­ible for rising energy prices. One of the res­ults of the Kahan study you refer to was that the more sci­en­tific­ally lit­erate tend to be more sceptical.

...My earliest research into the ques­tion of cli­mate change was con­ducted in the pages of the Guardian, and I was shocked to see this once lib­eral broad-minded paper adopting a Pravda-like policy of news fil­tering and cen­sor­ship, with George Monbiot, a journ­alist I’d admired, con­ducting petty vin­dictive cam­paigns against fellow-journalists and, after being the first journ­alist to acknow­ledge the ser­i­ous­ness of Climategate, making a Maoist-style con­fes­sion of his error. I’m not per­son­ally the least inter­ested in the sci­ence of cli­mate change. I’m very inter­ested in the exist­ence of a rational left-of-centre press.

AR5’s coming – get busy: why scientists must get better at communicating uncertainty | Carbon Brief

Scientists are able now to create a greater range of projected climate outcomes because they're now able to introduce "known unknowns", Maslin said.

Nine climate change pictures I really don't need to see again | Carbon Brief

Communicating the fact that climate change will be disruptive to human society while not overplaying the science is hard. What to
do? Focus on specific, easy to remember facts. Like, as successive IPCC reports haven't shown, climate change will turn you into a fish wearing a terrible shirt.  Oh dear WWF Belgium.

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