Thursday, June 07, 2012

Carol Pierson Holding: Has Climate Denial Reached the Turning Point?

The really surprising thing is that Exxon has backed off its extreme stance, moving from a position of absolute denial -- as recently as 2000, Exxon Chairman Lee Raymond insisted to shareholders that global warming is far from proven -- to one of obfuscation...

The same pattern can be seen of the soft drink industry and obesity. A case could be made that Bloomberg's New York City initiative to limit the maximum size of soft drinks to 16 ounces marks that industry's turning point.

The oil industry and petroleum supporters are backed into a corner on the issue of climate change. What will happen to climate skeptic groups like the Heartland Institute as public opinion and regulation put them out of business? Like wild cats and frat boys, they are brawling to protect their territory, lashing out even at their own expense. Overly aggressive behavior like the Unabomber billboard could predict the end of climate denial. Just a theory. Let's watch what happens next.

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