Thursday, June 28, 2012

In Canada, polar bear population stable | Alaska Dispatch

A recent survey of bears in the Western Hudson Bay region found the population hasn't changed since 2004, despite dire predictions.

Biologist Mitch Taylor, speaking at a fur industry event in Iqaluit Friday, said the scientific information used to count the populations could be flawed.

"I have more confidence in the traditional ecological knowledge that local people have provided that populations in their areas are stable or increasing," he said.

...Many Inuit people say they see more polar bears every year, despite the doom and gloom advanced by some groups and scientists.

"As an Inuk, as a person living in the North, it's hard to swallow and hard to believe knowing the fact that there's a number of polar bears," said James Eetoolook, the vice-president of Nunavut Tunngavik.

Nunavut has 12 distinct polar bear populations. Recent estimates show most populations are healthy.

In total, Taylor estimates there are 15,000 polar bears in Canada.

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You can sleep your way to a green economy  

The New Nostradamus of the North: Great news for Panetta: Climate change does not increase risk of armed conflict

There is reason to be sceptical about the Norwegian researchers´concept of "climate-related disasters", but that does not invalidate their conclusion that natural disasters do not increase the risk of armed conflicts. 

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