Twitter / MichaelEMann: @lorabruncke @davidsuzuki
@lorabruncke @davidsuzuki Being called dishonest by Heartland like being called political by Antonin Scalia #OhTheIrony #Heartland #Fail
Twitter / MichaelEMann: @lorabruncke @davidsuzuki
@lorabruncke @davidsuzuki Is there *anyone* left who believes *anything* #Heartland Institute has to say?? #dishonest #hackery #fail
Michael Mann's Hissy Fit Shows Why Global Warming Alarmists Fear Debate - Forbes
Let’s examine these claims one by one.
Mann says polar bears may go extinct by the time his daughter and her children come of age. Yet polar bear populations are rising dramatically. As Canadian polar bear researcher Mitch Taylor reported after this year’s official polar bear count, “There aren’t just a few more bears. There are a hell of a lot more bears.”
...Mann says the Great Barrier Reef may disappear within the next 40 years. The Great Barrier Reef stretches over 133,000 square miles and has expanded during the warming temperatures of the twentieth century. Moreover, recent peer-reviewed research shows coral reefs are benefiting from warming temperatures. Now Mann claims the Great Barrier Reef will completely disappear in 40 or so years? Oh, please….Mann says global warming may cause the glacier atop Mt. Kilimanjaro to soon disappear. Scientists, however, report that temperatures at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro rarely if ever rise above freezing. The much-ballyhooed decline in Kilimanjaro’s mountaintop glacier, scientists report, is being caused by a recent decline in snowfall in the region rather than declining temperatures. Now Mann claims global warming will cause the Kilimanjaro mountaintop glacier to disappear in the next 40 or so years? Oh, please….
Mann says Amsterdam, Venice, and New Orleans may “join the lost city of Pompeii.” Correct me if I am wrong, but there are no imminently erupting volcanoes in the vicinity of Amsterdam, Venice, or New Orleans. And even if such volcanoes were to miraculously appear and then erupt during the next 40 or so years, I don’t think global warming will be to blame. Oh, please….
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