Thursday, June 28, 2012

“Lunatic’s raving” actually seems a bit too polite for this one from David Orr |

How to Avoid the Coming Environmental and Economic ‘Perfect Storm’ – It is quite possible that by the year 2100 human life will have become extinct or will be confined to a few residential areas that have escaped the devastating effects of nuclear holocaust or global warming. —Brian Barry

Weather underground: How TV weathercasters can help in the climate fight | Grist

What about education? Again, possibly a pretty easy fix here. Make climate science classes mandatory in these programs and/or put climate science questions on the certification exams. Campaigns like Forecast the Facts aim to pressure both professional societies and undergraduate programs to do just that.

Twitter / RogerHighfield: Come to @sciencemuseum to

Come to to see our climate change stories

Twitter / billmckibben: Exxon CEO: global warming

Exxon CEO: global warming 'manageable,' an 'engineering problem.' No, it's a greed problem: your's.

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