Friday, June 15, 2012

Why are they serving meat at a climate-change conference? - The Washington Post

No one really believes that the Rio+20 meeting will result in a new agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. In that case, the best thing the conference could do for the climate is to remove meat from the menu — and to make a big deal about it....

If the United Nations and all the national delegations and activist groups at Rio+20 were to insist on eliminating meat at all the buffets, private dinners, embassy receptions, luncheons and breakfast briefings, people might start to think that the United Nations takes seriously the damage that human activity is causing to the planet. Yet, at a meeting that prides itself on being “green,” and where environmental advocates will be pushing their agenda, talking about meat seems to be an afterthought, or possibly even taboo.

...By the end of the century, the seas are expected to rise between seven and 23 inches. Islands and low-lying countries may simply disappear.

Flashback: Why Is Al Gore Still Eating Meat? | Fox News

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