Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why A Super El Nino Is Very Unlikely | Real Science

There is a lot of cold water circulating from Alaska down the west coast of Canada,  the US and Mexico. The cold water is mixing with equatorial waters and keeping the temperature down.

Hansen and Appell are hoping for a very big El Nino (to bring 2012 temperatures closer to Hansen’s zero emissions scenario C) but pre-school level science explains to us why that isn’t likely to happen.

Threat of ANAO Audit means Australia’s BOM throws out temperature set, starts again, gets same results « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

A team of independent auditors, bloggers and scientists went through the the BOM “High Quality” (HQ) dataset and found significant errors, omissions and inexplicable adjustments. The team and Senator Cory Bernardi put in a Parliamentary request to get our Australian National Audit Office to reassess the BOM records. In response, the BOM, clearly afraid of getting audited, and still not providing all the data, code and explanations that were needed, decided to toss out the old so called High Quality (HQ) record, and start again. The old HQ increased the trends by 40% nationally, and 70% in the cities.

So goodbye “HQ”, hello “ACORN”. End result? Much the same.

That meant the ANAO could avoid an audit, since the BOM had changed data-sets, the point of auditing the old set was moot.

Applying Michael Mann’s Junk Science To Sea Level | Real Science

The blink comparator below shows how Envisat satellite sea level data was massively corrupted earlier this year to make it more suitable for propaganda purposes.

In summary, the cherry-picked set of tide gauges wasn’t good enough, so alarmists chucked their own tide gauge data, and replaced it with corrupted satellite data.

The remarkable thing though, is that even after switching systems and corrupting the new data, sea level is still rising about ten times too slow to match Hansen’s projections.

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