Saturday, July 21, 2012

Andrew Freedman Gets The Full Stupid Award For The Day | Real Science
According to the monthly maximum thermometer data reported by USHCN, four of the five hottest summers in US history occurred during the 1930s. The other was in 1988.
The summer of 2012 has no chance of cracking the top five. It won’t even be close.
July 24, 1936 – The Hottest Day In Nebraska History | Real Science
Weather Underground forecasts that it will be 19 degrees cooler this year on July 24 than it was in 1936. The Washington Post’s Andrew Freedman says that temperatures are much hotter now.
Spreading Hopelessness To Children | Real Science
While we can’t tie any specific massacre to green’s efforts to demoralize children, we can say that the Aurora massacre is exactly the sort of behavior we would expect in a world where selfish self-serving adults devote their life to making children feel doomed.
Quggin, our new carbon tax commissar, admits error. But, but, but | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Professor John Quiggin has seriously misled his readers about the Gillard Government’s global warming policies.

His error is even more serious and egregious given that Quiggin was recently appointed by the Gillard Government to advise it on how deep to make future cuts.

In past posts I’ve noted Quiggin’s estimate of the effect on the temperature of the Government’s proposed cuts to our emissions - 0.02 degrees by 2100- is five times higher than the most generous estimate even of IPCC warmist Professor Roger Jones.

Jones, assuming a strong causation between emissions and temperature, calculated the true effect to be a mere 0.0038 degrees by 2100.
The First Solar Swindle - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
As we dig deeper in the green-energy crony corruption-story, it begins to sound more and more like the making of a big-budget Hollywood thriller. Today’s installment on First Solar includes billionaire investors, corporate welfare, favoritism, threats, exaggerations, lawsuits over inferior quality, layoffs and outsourcing, and even a romantic dalliance. The screenplay would be riveting. Too bad it is not fiction. The film would have to be a documentary.

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