Sunday, July 29, 2012

Battling the Misinformation Surrounding the Effects of Oil Sands on the Climate
If you are basing your opposition to Keystone on the climate change implications, then you may want to question whether fighting to stop a 0.06 C temperature rise in 2075 is the correct issue to rally around.
1 mm of water on top of two miles of ice
And it immediately froze. Interesting how NASA gets all fired up about 1 mm of water on the Greenland Ice Sheet, yet barely mentions that sea levels FELL in both 2010 and 2011.
Raw USHCN Daily Data Shows 0.11 C Warming Per Decade Since 1979 | Real Science
Starting in 1979 make no sense though, because it was the coldest year since 1924. If we start in 1930, the US is cooling.

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