Tuesday, July 31, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - Tom Chivers on trust
So the NAS, the Royal Society and all the other academies are simply conduits for the received wisdom coming from the IPCC - whom we know cannot be trusted. There is only the IPCC that assesses the climate literature from beginning to end. That is the dilemma we face: we are being invited to a game of poker by a bunch of known cardsharps.

Tom thinks we should play.
Twitter / PeterGleick: "Extreme weather chickens have ...
"Extreme weather chickens have come home to roost." What Global Warming Looks Like. http://bit.ly/OktZO5 . Goofy phrase; serious post.
This is What Global Warming Looks Like - 2012 Edition | Dan Lashof's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
Tragically, excessive heat has killed at least 74, including fourteen children left in cars unattended.
Senate Climate Hearings Hosted By Denialists, Obstructionists | ThinkProgress
Almost to a man, the GOP Senators on this key committee have consistently denied the brute fact that humans are causing climate change and/or worked to obstruct any possible solution to the mess we’re making:

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