Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Blackboard » One in 1,594,323 Chance Heat Wave? NOT!

What this means is that trying to demonstrate global warming by estimating the odds of getting 13 months of temperatures in the top 1/3rd of historic records under the assumption that the climate has not changed is a stoooopid way of proving or disproving global warming.

Twitter / ZoeCaron: Dear people: Stop calling

Dear people: Stop calling climate change a "belief". It's called an "understanding". (Unless you want to talk about "believing in science".)

Zoë Caron (ZoeCaron) on Twitter

Co-Author, Global Warming for Dummies. Climate & energy specialist, WWF-Canada. Past president, Sierra Club Canada.

Skeptics Are Not Deniers: A Conversation (part 2) | Climate Abyss | a Chron.com blog

N-G: ...However, it doesn’t follow that there would not be obvious ways of disrupting the current behavior.  One obvious example: make the sun 20% brighter, and the Earth is ice-free, no question.  (This is the third stable state.) Make the sun 20% dimmer, and the Earth is mostly ice-covered, no question. (This is a fourth stable state.)  Both of these stable states have existed in the geologic past, though not specifically or solely because of a change in solar output.

Volcano Climate Impact | The Next Grand Minimum

Note all eruptions on this graphic during our coldest periods.

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