Sunday, July 08, 2012

Does Averaging Incorrect Data Give A Result That Is Less Incorrect? Climate Modeling | William M. Briggs

Taking the mean of nonsense, as suggested above, only produces mean nonsense.

Lonnie Thompson’s Legacy « Climate Audit

As I observed above, it remains a source of great puzzlement to me why Lonnie Thompson does not regard the establishment of definitive archives of his data as an integral part of his scientific legacy. At this point, it is evident that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for him to carry out the definitive statistical analyses of his data. Over the past 10 years, he has fallen further and further behind. The logical solution to his quandary is simply to provide a comprehensive and definitive archive and thereby let any interested scientist carry out the analyses that Thompson himself will either never carry out or not carry out for many years. Nor in my opinion should Thompson, at this age and stage of his career, spend his time haring off to yet another drill site. No vice president of exploration in a mineral exploration company would personally feel obliged to sit on a drill rig. Surely there are other people capable of supervising the next drill program. Thompson should let them do their job.

Showing unity for tomorrow | The Australian Jewish News

Sharon Koren and Tamar Hoffman, in years 11 and 12 respectively, have just returned from participating in the Youth Climate Embassy, an initiative of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC).

In addition to bringing diverse people together to support a common cause, the aim of the embassy was to highlight, among the throng of publicity the carbon tax has created, the issue of climate change that is behind it.

Koren said she was approached by the ARRCC to participate in the event

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