Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hmm: If this is truly the worst US drought in more than 50 years, why were the droughts of 1980 and 1988 far more costly?

Drought to cost $12B, most since 1988 –

July 26, 2012 : Worst drought in 50 years driving up US food prices
Food prices in the United States are expected to rise by 3% or 4% next year because of the worst drought in more than 50 years.


joe bastardi said...

So what if it is. The pattern is like the 1950, so we shoul expect weather like the 1950s. The next shoe to fall over the coming 5-7 should be east coast hurricanes

Anonymous said...

Also, the totals for loss is just an "Educated Guess" which means they don't know. Hang in there are changes to come and we're not going to like them.