Thursday, July 05, 2012

Independent Commission Releases Report on Fukushima Meltdown, Blames Japanese Culture | Ecocentric |

“What must be admitted, very painfully, is that this was a disaster ‘Made in Japan.' Its fundamental causes are to be found in the ingrained conventions of Japanese culture: our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to ‘sticking with the program;’ our groupism; and our insularity.”

Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: Record Heat central and ea

Record Heat central and eastern US vs record cool sw,tornadoes less than 25% normal,NO activity in tropics. Global Norming, not warming

Germany's €300 Billion Green Energy Disaster

A new study by Berlin's Technical University estimates that renewable energy subsidies between now and 2030, including an expansion of the power grid, will saddle German energy consumers with costs well over €300 billion ($377 billion).

Coral Rebounded From Hostile Climate Millenniums Ago, Study Suggests -

Even conservative models of climate change predict a return to extreme weather conditions,” said the lead author, Richard B. Aronson, a professor of biology at the Florida Institute of Technology. “This means that reefs could shut down. The hopeful part is that these reefs did prove to be resilient 1,500 years ago. Reefs today could recover, but only if we get a handle on the greenhouse gases causing climate change.”

Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: 50/50 split cold/warm acr

50/50 split cold/warm across N America against normals. One would never know it though given headlines

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