469,000 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles projected to be sold btwn 2012-15. will prevent 629,000 tons of co2 pollution http://bit.ly/OxC0f2Before it imploded, at the Chicago Carbon Dioxide Hoax Exchange you could have bought CO2 rip-offsets for a nickel per metric ton. That would make 629,000 tons worth a grand total of $31,450, or less than 7 cents for each of the 469,000 vehicles!!
1 hour ago
1 comment:
You can even use Australia's $23 per metric ton in your calculation as this is the highest cost of carbon I am aware of. At that price, the 629,000 tons of carbon saved from 469,000 vehicles works out to 1.34 tons of CO2 per vehicle works out to $30.80. I don't think that even pays for one month's interest on the higher price you have to pay for a plugin hybrid electric.
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