Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Scientific peer review and publishing taking a turn for the better | Watts Up With That?
It seems inevitable to me that traditional journals will eventually go the way of the dodo.
Spinning like a top
Reported below is that CO2 emissions FOLLOWED a temperature rise, whereas Warmists claim that CO2 CAUSES temperature rise and is hence prior to it.

Does a small detail like that bother them? Not a bit! By adding a lot of assumptions the pretend that it should alarm us. They just assume what they have to prove: That CO2 is a significant influence on temperature and that a positive feedback loop will take place to produce more warming

The researcher even resorts to lies, as in "the rapid increase now in CO2 is also driving up temperatures". Awkward fact: Temperatures have in fact been stable for about the last 15 years. CO2 certainly is increasing but it's not driving anything
Storm trends in Australia and New Zealand? No evidence that CO2 increases extreme weather |
Get ready — for all the fears of extreme weather coming our way — studies of Queensland, Victoria, the whole of SE Australia, New Zealand, and Perth show that either nothing is changing (there have always been bad storms) or possibly, the weather is better now than it used to be.
97% Of Greenland Says That NASA Is FOS | Real Science
Below is the Summit webcam on July 9, at -19C This was supposed to be right in the middle of the NASA big melt.
Andrew Bolt: One sure needs a tax on pollution |
Reader Julian and his wife were in Beijing last week and Sydney the week before. Julian asks:
One of these countries recently introduced a carbon tax to reduce pollution. Guess who..?

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