Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Selling the carbon tax: individual versus collective self-interest |
Garbage. There is no collective good to be had from carbon constraint – the only good is for the select few who run the carbon scams. The collective interest is in the cheapest energy and strongest economy not in the selective enrichment of bankers and traders and “green energy” crony capitalists. Australians don’t want the carbon tax and will vote for the Coalition that has pledged to eliminate it. Get over it.
Global Warming is Far from Being Settled Science
One would think that a recollection of recent history would be all that is needed to sway the proponents of global warming from their seemingly outrageous claims. Their persistence in promoting such nonsense leaves us with only one of two options to choose as we evaluate the reasons for their intensive propagating of that which is clearly not valid Either they are completely ignorant of the trends in temperature fluctuations that have occurred throughout the history of Earth’s existence, or they are driven by a quite mysterious hidden agenda. The latter seems more likely considering the fact that the government has spent $79 billion dollar in taxpayer money on global warming research since 1989.

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